Neuromarketing experiment Romania

How was “NeuroMarketing or How to sell to the brain” on May 7-8, 2018

The second edition of the seminar “NeuroMarketing or How to sell to the brain”, held by Pablo Ferreirós Bennett in Bucharest, offered participants the opportunity to discover the “new marketing”, which addresses emotions directly. On May 7-8, 2018, during the two days of the workshop, participants became familiar with neuromarketing concepts and measurement tools, and…

Sfera Business Training Post

Despre elementul cheie din programele Sfera Business: “Trainerul vine mereu din acelasi film cu participantii!”

La Sfera Business, noi credem ca este valoros sa facem training pornind de la experienta practica, de business, a trainerului, in domeniile despre care povestim in sala de curs. Aspectul aduce cu sine un intreg sir de consecinte pozitive pentru intreaga experienta de invatare a participantilor, de la eficienta cu care adopta schimbarea pana la…

Sfera Business Training Post

The key factor of Sfera Business’ programs: “The trainer always comes from the same place as the participants!”

Florin Glinta – At Sfera Business, we believe in the value of starting from the practical experience of the trainer, in business, in the areas that he covers in the classroom. This brings a series of positive consequences for the learning experience of the training participants, from the efficiency with which they adopt the changes…

L'Oreal Vichy Neuromarketing Experiment

Pablo Ferreirós Bennett, Senior Trainer & Consultant la Sfera Business, masoara impactul privirilor intr-un experiment social unic in Romania

8 din 10 femei traiesc cu imperfectiuni ale tenului.* Si sunt privite altfel…. Urmareste acum experimentul social “PRIVIRILE CARE LASA URME”. Pentru prima data in Romania, o echipa de specialisti si-a propus sa masoare cu ajutorul tehnologiei impactul real al privirilor asupra persoanelor cu imperfectiuni ale tenului. Acest experiment social unic a fost derulat de…

L'Oreal Vichy Neuromarketing Experiment

Pablo Ferreirós Bennett, Senior Trainer & Consultant at Sfera Business, measures the impact of looks in a unique social experiment in Romania

8 out of 10 women live with skin imperfections. * And they are looked at differently…. For the first time in Romania, a team of specialists measured with the help of biometric technology the real impact of the eyes on people with skin imperfections. This unique social experiment was conducted by Vichy DERMABLEND in collaboration…