Catalin Stancu – interviu ZF Live
Catalin Stancu, Sfera Business: “Ca sa stii sa vinzi trebuie sa cunosti bine business-ul”. Urmariti interviul ZF Live cu Catalin Stancu.
Catalin Stancu, Sfera Business: “Ca sa stii sa vinzi trebuie sa cunosti bine business-ul”. Urmariti interviul ZF Live cu Catalin Stancu.
De fiecare data cand adresez participantilor la seminarul “Managementul Echipei” intrebarea: “Care sunt cele mai mari provocari cu care va confruntati in rolul de manager de vanzari?”, raspunsurile se regasesc, invariabil, in urmatoarele arii: Motivarea oamenilor pentru a depune eforturi suplimentare in conditiile in care nu pot sa le maresc salariile; Atingerea obiectivelor (impreuna cu…
– Sorin Feroiu Each time I ask participants at the “Team Management” seminar “What are the biggest challenges you face in the role of sales manager?”, the answers are invariably found in the following areas: Motivating people to make extra efforts in conditions where they cannot increase their wages; Reaching goals (with people); Planning and…
Am revenit de cateva zile din micul concediu prilejuit de vacanta inter-semestriala a copiilor. Care, desi a fost foarte scurta, a fost strans legata de vacanta de sarbatori. Ei bine, dupa o astfel de perioada (relaxanta, ce-i drept), constat ca imi vine destul de greu sa-mi recapat energia si focus-ul necesare activitatii de business. Am observat…
– Sorin Feroiu I just came back for a few days holiday occasioned by the inter-semester vacations of the children. After such a period (relaxing, that’s right), I find it hard enough to regain the energy and focus needed for the business activity. I have noticed that this is repeated, again and again, every time…
Cu siguranta ati remarcat in librarii zeci de titluri legate de Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In fiecare dintre acestea veti gasi, mai mult sau mai putin detaliat, subiecte care contin cuvinte precum client, eficienta, satisfactie, vanzari, loialitate, angajati, sistem informatic. Citindu-le, putem avea o imagine destul de buna despre ce ar trebui sa fie un…
Daca ar fi sa facem o paralela cu tehnologia, fara indoiala, cultura organizationala poate fi descrisa drept „sistemul de operare al oricarei organizatii”. Putini stiu cum a fost scris, si mai putini il inteleg, insa toti il folosesc, caci fara el nu ar mai functiona nicio aplicatie! Totusi, paralela cu domeniul computerelor se opreste aici.…
If we were to make a parallel with technology, without a doubt, the organizational culture can be described as “the operating system of any organization”. Few know how it was written, and fewer understand it, but all use it, because without it no application would work! However, the parallel with the computer field stops here.…