Glavrida business card
Totincidunt sed rutrum nec, imperdiet ac enim. Morbi faucibusd ac – lorem glavrida liquam erat volutpat glavrida lorem.
Totincidunt sed rutrum nec, imperdiet ac enim. Morbi faucibusd ac – lorem glavrida liquam erat volutpat glavrida lorem.
Gravida rutrum sit amet dolor from pellentesque vestibulum nibh diam, nec rhoncus dolor fringilla non glavrida nulla.
Morbi pharetra ipsum congue tortor ornare sollicitudin. Fusce rutrum mi nec turpis cursus porta non ac arcu. Aenean at justo sapien. Quisque lacinia arcu eget tellus varius, id luctus ipsum congue.
Florin Glinta – Over time, when I was a young master student and a specialist in the field of organizational psychology, stress, especially in the workplace, was often a good topic to deal with in written work, or an object of study in the field surveys we did. As a trainer, stress management was the…
De-a lungul timpului, pe cand eram tanar masterand, apoi proaspat practician in campul psihologiei organizationale, stresul, in special cel de la locul de munca, a reprezentat deseori un subiect numai bun de abordat in lucrarile scrise, sau „obiect” de studiu in cercetarile de teren pe care le-am efectuat. Ca trainer, managementul stresului a fost primul…
Catalin Stancu – According to the latest data published in the specialized press, in 2017 Modern Trade in Romania will most likely exceed the 11 billion euro threshold, after last year when it had already registered a comfortable 60% in the mix with the other channels. Retailers are growing stronger, and in recent years there…
Conform ultimelor date publicate in presa de specialitate, in 2017 Comertul Modern in Romania va depasi cel mai probabil pragul de 11 mld euro, dupa ce anul trecut inregistrase deja un confortabil 60% in mixul cu celelalte canale. Retailerii sunt din ce in ce mai puternici, iar in ultimii ani s-au inregistrat si cateva preluari…
In his more than 12 years of experience in marketing, sales and strategy, Pablo Ferreirós Bennett has always emphasized the power of details because, he says, they always make the difference between good and excellent. After training sessions delivered in over 30 countries around the world, Pablo joins the Sfera Business team where he will…
In cei peste 12 ani de experienta in marketing, vanzari si strategie, Pablo Ferreirós Bennett a pus mereu accentul pe puterea detaliilor pentru ca, spune el, acestea reusesc sa faca intotdeauna diferenta intre bine si excelent. Dupa sesiuni de training livrate in peste 30 de tari din intreaga lume, Pablo intra in echipa Sfera Business…
In her more than 20 years of experience focused on operational and strategic roles, both in Romania and abroad, Gratiela Popescu has always relied on achieving a balance between personal and professional life because, she says, the moments spent in the family are essential for a manager to build a successful career. Now, Gratiela wants to…