Sfera Business Training Post

Despre elementul cheie din programele Sfera Business: “Trainerul vine mereu din acelasi film cu participantii!”

La Sfera Business, noi credem ca este valoros sa facem training pornind de la experienta practica, de business, a trainerului, in domeniile despre care povestim in sala de curs. Aspectul aduce cu sine un intreg sir de consecinte pozitive pentru intreaga experienta de invatare a participantilor, de la eficienta cu care adopta schimbarea pana la…

Sfera Business Training Post

The key factor of Sfera Business’ programs: “The trainer always comes from the same place as the participants!”

Florin Glinta – At Sfera Business, we believe in the value of starting from the practical experience of the trainer, in business, in the areas that he covers in the classroom. This brings a series of positive consequences for the learning experience of the training participants, from the efficiency with which they adopt the changes…