Sfera Business Training si Consultanta

Is stress really our enemy?

Florin Glinta – Over time, when I was a young master student and a specialist in the field of organizational psychology, stress, especially in the workplace, was often a good topic to deal with in written work, or an object of study in the field surveys we did. As a trainer, stress management was the…

Sfera Business Training si Consultanta

Este stresul, intr-adevar, dusmanul nostru?

De-a lungul timpului, pe cand eram tanar masterand, apoi proaspat practician in campul psihologiei organizationale, stresul, in special cel de la locul de munca, a reprezentat deseori un subiect numai bun de abordat in lucrarile scrise, sau „obiect” de studiu in cercetarile de teren pe care le-am efectuat. Ca trainer, managementul stresului a fost primul…