Sfera Business Training si Consultanta

3 solutions for efficient recruitment

According to a recent study conducted by Sfera Business and Business Mark, for 68% of companies in Romania, the biggest challenge is finding employees with increasingly specialized skills for the business profile; and for 51% of these companies, a challenge in terms of getting valuable HR employees would be to find people with a business-oriented…

Sfera Business Training si Consultanta

3 solutii pentru o recrutare eficienta

Conform unui studiu recent realizat de catre Sfera Business si Business Mark, pentru 68% dintre companiile din Romania, cea mai mare provocare este gasirea de angajati cu competente din ce in ce mai specializate pentru profilul business-ului; iar pentru 51% dintre aceste companii, o provocare in ceea ce priveste angajatii valorosi de HR ar fi…