Sfera Business Training si Consultanta

Provocarile managerului de vanzari

De fiecare data cand adresez participantilor la seminarul “Managementul Echipei” intrebarea: “Care sunt cele mai mari provocari cu care va confruntati in rolul de manager de vanzari?”, raspunsurile se regasesc, invariabil, in urmatoarele arii: Motivarea oamenilor pentru a depune eforturi suplimentare in conditiile in care nu pot sa le maresc salariile; Atingerea obiectivelor (impreuna cu…

Sfera Business Training si Consultanta

The challenges of the sales manager  

– Sorin Feroiu Each time I ask participants at the “Team Management” seminar “What are the biggest challenges you face in the role of sales manager?”, the answers are invariably found in the following areas: Motivating people to make extra efforts in conditions where they cannot increase their wages; Reaching goals (with people); Planning and…