– Sorin Feroiu
I just came back for a few days holiday occasioned by the inter-semester vacations of the children.
After such a period (relaxing, that’s right), I find it hard enough to regain the energy and focus needed for the business activity. I have noticed that this is repeated, again and again, every time a (mini) leave finishes.
As we all know, when you are concerned about something, all kinds of solutions in the area of concern start to appear. No wonder, then, that various materials about increasing productivity began to fall under my eyes. Three of the ideas caught my attention, because I’ve flirted with them over time and seen them work. This time, I am determined to do an experiment and apply them for a longer period (at least 6 months).
Here are the ideas:
- Wake up early in the morning, at 6 o’clock, even though for this you will have to get to bed earlier in the evening than usual. Right now, I got into the habit of staying up late at night, working on my projects or just watching movies. And in the morning, besides the fact that it is very difficult for me to wake up, I also have a pretty long period (about 1 hour) in which I have to “load” with coffee.
- Start your day with 10 minutes of meditation. Simply try to clear your mind of any thought. Breathe unusually (6 seconds of inspiration, 12 seconds keeping the air in the lungs, 6 seconds of expiration). Then, set your priorities clearly. Write them.
- Do 30-40 minutes of exercise. Run. It works with your body (pushups, squats, lunges, etc). It’s a great way to energize yourself throughout the day.