Emotions and pandemic. Adriana Gonzalez Gil and Florin Glinta for Piaza Magazine

Pandemic as a good teacher: emotions cannot be ignored (anymore). They should be incorporated in business decisions

“There are many unanswered and immediate questions that show a lack of control. And all, as neuroscience and psychology teach us, activates psychophysiological mechanisms of stress, guided by a part of the brain responsible for simple, survival decisions. Temporarily, the ability to think complexly and solve problems is significantly suspended or reduced. ” The following…

Piata Article Florin Glinta and Adriana Gonzalez Gil

Pandemia ca profesor bun: emotiile nu (mai) pot fi ignorate, ci inglobate in deciziile de business

“Intrebari multe, fara raspuns sigur si imediat, care ne arata lipsa de control. Iar toate, așa cum ne invata neurostiintele si psihologia, activeaza mecanisme psiho­fiziologice de stres, ghidate automat de o parte a creierului responsabil pentru decizii simple, de supravietuire; cel putin temporar, capacitatea de a gandi complex si de a rezolva probleme este suspendata…