A plea in favor of using the science of organizational psychology and its results when it comes to the selection of people who enter the organization or who are moved from one role to another. Florin Glință speaks from the experience of over 18 years spent working on projects that involved personnel evaluation for various roles; In the article published by Piaţa Magazine, he describes a series of common prejudicial beliefs for the selection process in a company. Beliefs that, unfortunately, are possible due to insufficient dialogue between recruiters and employers managers. In his opinion, too soon the empirical methods and evidence offered by science are neglected, and in their place the power of “instinct”, “intuition” or “chemistry” reigns in the interactions of evaluating candidates. In the training and development programs of Sfera Business, we give a place of honor to the scientific methods and the results obtained based on them, and we often use specific tools and approaches in the classroom