8 out of 10 women live with skin imperfections. *
And they are looked at differently….
For the first time in Romania, a team of specialists measured with the help of biometric technology the real impact of the eyes on people with skin imperfections. This unique social experiment was conducted by Vichy DERMABLEND in collaboration with Pablo Ferreirós Bennett, specialist in Neuroscience, PhD in Marketing, professor and researcher at MACOM, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Senior Trainer & Consultant SFERA BUSINESS and his colleague, Adriana Gonzalez Gil PHD (C) in Neuromarketing, professor and researcher at MACOM, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.
“I have measured the emotions of girls with skin imperfections as they walk down the street and begin to feel the attentive eyes on them. It’s a time when they get stressed and excited. The first part of the experiment happened outdoors, so I gave them some glasses with a hidden camera built in. They went on the street, and we, through the glasses, recorded what they saw in those moments, how they avoided the eyes and so on. Then we measured what we call GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) and I saw how receptive the skin is to microliquids, aspect measured in microsiemens”, explains Pablo.
- 3 topics
- 11 functional parameters
- 12 hours of experiment
- 2 researchers in NeuroSciences
The results obtained from the analysis of the emotional impact with the help of technology (Eye Tracking Glasses, Galvanic Skin Response Bracelet, Electroencephalogram) show that the eyes leave marks: the people with skin conditions registered a high and important rate of the emotions when they felt watched, but also a significant increase in stress level, confesses Pablo Ferreirós Bennett.
In the SFERA BUSINESS, Pablo holds seminars on Neuromarketing, Public Speaking, Personal Branding. Find out more about Pablo Ferreirós Bennett’s professional experience.
[*] Ipsos Health and Beauty Study 2012