If we were to make a parallel with technology, without a doubt, the organizational culture can be described as “the operating system of any organization”. Few know how it was written, and fewer understand it, but all use it, because without it no application would work!
However, the parallel with the computer field stops here. In order to act as a catalyst for individual and group performance, the organizational culture needs to be understood by each employee.
In many companies, this is understood at a superficial level. The vision, mission, and values of the organization are visible everywhere, even on the site. However, by asking employees how they can help with all of this, you will be surprised to find that most of them make no connection between their work and the higher goals of the organization.
In general, organizational values tend to be vague, too general and without a direct, obvious connection with the work of each employee. It is the role of the company’s leadership to translate these concepts into guidelines for the members of the organization. In this regard, we suggest that each of you think about how to translate the words into actions that will guide your team members in everything they do at work. Thus, you will create a handbook on the organizational culture of your company in which each employee, regardless of their level, will find not only explanations in a language accessible to him, but also how these concepts are applied in his work, day by day.
Here are some explained values:
Leveregler Company, DENMARK
How to apply it?
We appreciate the willingness of each employee to take risks in order to continuously improve their performance;
We always expect employees to be honest and to make constructive suggestions.
We are ready to sacrifice our individual goals for the group’s purposes;
We take responsibility, even when it exceeds our area of responsibility.
Source: http://www.torbenrick.eu/blog/culture/creating-an-organizational-culture-code/.
Or, for Netflix:
These guidelines can be found on the Netflix job site, so that candidates in different open positions will know from the time of application submission to what extent or not they fit Netflix’s organizational culture.
How to apply it?
You are known for sincerity and frankness;
You do not become passionate when you disagree with others;
When you talk about colleagues, you say the same things you would say to them in front of them;
Quickly admit when you’re wrong.
Source: http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/1798664#.